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Proving a special series of presentation talks, exhibitions and specially created publications.
The project director has experienced many situations as a neurodivergent on the autistic spectrum as an awareness campaigner, creative designer and a Latin dancing participant. Combining these experiences to educate, inspire and enable open minds.
Presentation talks
A family of presentation talks can be made to communities and as a social responsibility-related topic for the rest of society.
Showcasing presentation
This is related to the optional range of projects and presentations within specific areas and categories. This includes extracts from creative designs and awareness projects, and my developments are dancing-related. It also includes a summary of life as a neurodivergent with my experiences and challenges.
Insight to convince and influence particular points
A focused presentation on a particular topic with a social responsibility message encourages the audience to have an open mind and improve how we approach and judge people and situations.
The objective of the presentation includes topics including improving judgements towards neurodiverse people and disabilities, encouragement of inclusive approach at dancing Environments, diverse opportunities for neurodiverse people and considering improved decision-making and planning for all people including neurodiverse people
Examples of subjects to be available to be confirmed at a later date
Exhibition display
Several displays can be developed in several ways.
Showing extracts from a particular project, insight and activity related to awareness, dancing and creative projects.
Multipurpose topics
A multi-purpose display around a particular subject which incorporates extracts from particular projects, statistics, insight and analysis.
Examples of topics include Neurodiversity, disability representation, inclusivity, hate crime and mental health.
A variety of projects can be displayed within a category of areas including awareness, participation, dancing and creative
It incorporates a personal presentation of my insight and background and the combination of the showcase, focused subjects.
Special publication
1. Personal expression
An expressive style of paperback material focusing on insight into my life or my insight on a particular subject and topic based on my experiences and observations
2. Insight & analysis
The objective family of documents focuses on insight and analysis to enable it to be more considerate on matters affecting Neurodiversity, invisible disabilities and anxiety.
In addition, these documents provide solutions, suggestions and possibilities based on subjects related to awareness, communities and society as a whole.
3. Presentation booklets & magazine
A special series of documents from magazines or booklets presented with a high amount of creativity.
These include a showcase of creative developments, a personal expression of awareness & understanding and inclusive dancing.
Find out more on the range of subjects by visiting the creative sections of the Keith Mckenzie website
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