Home > About > Services & Products > Aware Element Examples > Information & Understanding
This option provides a family of information resources which enables a smarter understanding of invisible related difficulties at ground level. It is presented on a various formats
Understanding Series facts sheet - soon
A infomation summary on the human aspects of understanding of hidden differences overall and with the individual condition. In addition provides on how differences different diverse areas including women, black & ethnic minorities
Be Aware Human aspects guides - soon
A summary facts sheet which contain a quick information references to enable smarter understanding of the hidden differences together with the human aspects of the associated conditions
Stable Checklist - soon
A quick Information references to enable to understanding different stages of coping mechanisms
Life links - new
Containing detailed fact sheet resources on varing issues which affect the lives of invisible difficulties along with guidelines and solutions.
Other possibilities
Other information & understanding materials planned to be developed including:
Non-stigma card
Providing a quick understanding & alert card which does not stigmatising or cause a negative issues against a person with differences self worth and sense of value.
Mini lifelinks foldout reminder
providing specific aspects of understanding and points to consider with different Human aspects, situations & circumstances
Find more about the Plus Value Awareness Initiative by visiting the website
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