Special access to solutions

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Social Mission Activity: Aware element

Special access to solutions

Based on one of the service options communities, activity groups along with social & support groups can access special access to be customised solutions.

This includes the family of customised Beyond understanding guide which contains solutions, suggestions and guidance relevant to your environment and climate. This is developed though research, observations and analysing.

Additional access options

Also, special limited access to a material or a session linked the services & product options. This is exclusive to communities, activity groups along with social & support groups.

Education & Training

With either a single PowerPoint presentation session or a single education material

Access Information & understanding

A limitation of one awareness material

Access Awareness project

A limitation of a single awareness poster or material

If extra materials or copies of materials along with further session (related to education & training) will be charged as a service.

However special measures can be made of this if the special access is developed in partnership.

Further details to be online soon

Explore Other potential Awareness Social mission activity

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