
Welcome to Aware+Vision

A new website, a new name for Plus Value Fusion with a new look and a new approach on what can be possible towards social enterprise.

This website is aimed and business, organisations, public services and Communities on what can be offered towards social enterprise. Also to generate interest to potential clients, partners, investors and to develop partnerships.

The reason for the new changes was after feedback with the previous concept was not far-reaching enough and the benefit for communities on the social mission activity. Also, the new name makes it clear it's objectives. 

The new approach is the mission statement is with connecting society with different ways on what can be offered to different target audiences. This is vital to gain and to maintain stability.

What's has changed

This new website has been created based on simplicity and clearer information on what this social enterprise proposal can provide.

A new line up of potential services, products and social mission Activity

Compared with the previous website a new style update blog which now remains within this website. Making it quicker and easier for online visitors.

New style status templates for social media capturing the possible services, products & social mission activity. (When the rebranding of the social media pages is complete)

Other social media profiles linked with the features of the Aware+Vision family (including Plus Value Awareness, Differences Originals and Keith McKenzie Primary pages on Facebook and Twitter) will also receive status templates capturing the possible services, products & social mission activity.

What's to come

With Aware+Vision

The Social mission pages linked with the former name "Plus Value Fusion" will be converting to Aware+Vision. This will take extra time to complete due to awaiting approval of the social media providers

A new style of business cards will be published which the new website contains this website. 

New style publications to be developed including an information guide along with Services, Products and Social Mission guide.

A special family digital organisers which will help illustrate what kind with offered and to help potential questions. They will be available to share one to one at networking events, meetings along with conferences and seminars.

Over the next few months a new family of creative showcase projects to demonstrate to business, communities & public services.

A new family of prototype products linked with the new creative designed items brand "Feodes Creative Items"

Other developments with the Aware+Vision family

The family of associated websites (Plus Value Awareness & Keith McKenzie focused projects) will gradually feature the Aware+Vision brand in the footer of every page with links to this new website

On the Plus Value Awareness website the projects, campaigns & online information is to be updated and modernised making the awareness projects more enterprise-ready.

The Focused projects featured on the Keith McKenzie website to be upgraded to maximise to showcase the range of Graphic Design, Photography, digital art, illustration and participation online.

New style digital portfolio to be created related to Graphic Design, Photography, digital art, illustration and participation.

The Aware+Vision family will expand with the introduction of "Feodes" A new collection of creative products for consumers including greeting cards, ceramic mugs, clothing and calendars. A new blog and web pages will be available soon to contain examples of potential collections. It will appear on the upgraded Keith McKenzie website.

Later this year and into early 2021 some changes to develop the family of feature brands into a new unified look and to bring it in line with the new Aware+Vision branding with a one-family approach. This will affect Plus Value Awareness, Differences Originals, Focused projects by Keith McKenzie. Further details to be confirmed at a later date.

Two important publications to be developed in 2021 related to the proposals and preparations towards social enterprise. This includes the social enterprise manifesto and a business plan.

Further developments will be updated on the Update blog and very soon on the new Aware+Vision social media profiles.

Start to discover

Aware Element

Awareness projects which embracing value towards hidden differences containing aware related services, products and social mission activities


Vision Element

Creative related focusing on Graphic Design, visual art & Selected Photography containing vision related services, products and social mission activities

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