About Summary

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Summary Overview
Aware + Vision is a proposal of an integrated enterprise concept towards social enterprise which provides social activities along with providing potential services in the future.

It is made up of a variety of features covering awareness initiative towards hidden differences and focused projects linked with art, design and participation.

Aware + Vision Is made up of two elements:

The aware elements are is related with a family of awareness projects and campaigns along with social mission activities and serves potential services in the future which enables the human aspects of awareness, understanding and solutions towards independent adults with a family of hidden differences. This is related to specific neurological conditions and social anxiety.

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The Vision element is focusing on a family of projects along with social missing activities and potential services related to graphic design, digital art, photography, and specific participation roles. In addition, this element also includes specially designed items raising from drinking mugs food to clothing.

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Aware+Vision family

To deliver the appropriate social mission projects, products and services to the correct target audience Aware+Vision is presented under a family of features

The primary awareness initiative which embraces a positive sense of value towards independent young people and adults with hidden differences

A Specialised family of projects, campaigns & activity by Keith Mckenzie since 2000

A family of focused projects from Graphic Design, visual art and selected photography

The special awareness feature to encourge inclusivity for dancers with specific neuroligical difficulties and anxiety.

A collection of original creativity transformed on designer items from greeting cards though to ceramic mugs and clothing

In 2016 an umbrella enterprise concept was created which combines the social mission and potential services. it was originally presented as Plus Value Enterprise. However, at the end of 2017 the name has changed to Plus Value Fusion as the original name already exists elsewhere.

The brand Plus Value Fusion has caused a lot of boundaries as a name & the previous concept did not clearly demonstrate the ideas & approach. It also causes problems on the social mission without appearing too commercialised.

So in August 2020 the umbrella enterprise concept was updated with a new name and a new look renamed as Aware+Vision and represented take makes it clear what the enterprise concept intended to do and to enhance possibilities aimed to clear any misperception and boundaries on the social mission activity aspect.

From October 2023 a start of a gradual rolling out of the a unified presentation of the Aware+Vision idenity and the family of features (Plus Value Awareness, Differences Originals and Focus projects by Keith Mckenzie) with the new Aware+Vsion identity from October 2024 onwards

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Elements & features

The components which makes up the Aware+Vision family

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