Behind the scenes many developments has happened for Plus Value Awareness over the past few months. See the information below for details.
1 Prototype awareness documents & materials
A family documents has been developed over a three months period to demonstrate examples on products and services which could be developed in the future based from the key principals of Plus Value Awareness. This ranges from education, training, relationship guidelines, survival guides and personal development tools. From the examples developed, a more focused & customised variations can be made the target audiences at different levels.
If you’re are interested further please go to the awareness collection on Plus Value Awareness website
2 Project & Information snapshot for Social Media
Developing a family information & project snapshot specially designed for social media. A total of Over 150 snapshot has been developed to display different examples from projects or elements the initiative. With extracts from a particular project including tips & guidelines along with images or visual designs from a particular project with additional examples from online content and documents. The aimed is to improve interest and engagements on social media.
The information & project snapshots will start to appear soon via Plus Value awareness pages on Facebook, Twitter & Google+’
3 Expanding the family information statistics for the feature awareness series.
Expanding the redesign statistics presentation to ADHD, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia and Social Anxiety along with Mental Heath (which affected the majority of invisible difficulties). The completed family is developed after the first version for the autistic spectrum was unveiled during two events in April including world autism awareness day & Autism awareness month.
This will appear on the Plus Value Awareness website soon
4 Modified Content online
Some online information has been slightly modified to include additional information & features. This including adding information pages on examples of products & service documents & materials. This will form part of a online feature which is under development called “The awareness collection” the information feature to highlight the variety of services & projects at a glance.
5 Design & presentation update
The next stage of the design & presentation layer has been added to the initiative.
This is the addition since the major design overhaul of the initiatives including and updated logo & design presentation for the featured projects. This an additional design layer to enhancement to promote the initiative overall and it us will be also be develop to navigate into the different elements of the initiative. This will mainly be seen as the main promotional materials and it appear with some of the information & project snapshot templates on social media posts.
More to come
Further information & project snapshot to be developed with customised variations across the five associated conditions (Autism, ADHD, Social Anxiety, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia). Also all of the new image snapshot will be represented further onto different sizes.
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