A family of specialised content created for Plus Value Awareness to support two major international awareness events during December and into the new year
International Day of Persons with Disabilities
For supporting this event, showcase article and an insight blog has been developed focusing on inclusivity and to encourage people to equally value society aa well as protecting out planet. In addition a new permanent awareness projects focusing on inclusivity.
World Human Rights Day
An insight blog which explores the importance of not disqualify human rights towards hidden differences.
Inclusive, Not generalise or exclude
The showcase article on Tumblr explore the factors on discourages excluding hidden differences through generalisation
Saving the planet and value society
The insight article on Tumblr which informs everyone to value society equally as protecting our planet
Inclusive Differences
A new awareness project launched to coincide International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The project explore the areas on inclusivity, equality and diversity.
Stop Disqualifying Human Rights
The showcase article on Tumblr address the importance to be more inclusive towards hidden differences and not to use generalisations as an excuse to exclude.
The specialised content are available via the following links below
The awareness inline feature to access specialised projects and content for supporting different awareness events
Events+ Showcase Blog
The specialised article blog on Tumblr linked with Events+ feature
Plus Value Awareness Insight
The specialised blog on Tumblr providing objective insight.
Inclusive Differences
The awareness projects focusing on inclusivity towards hidden differences.
Valuing Hidden Differences: Elements
Exploring examples towardsa spotive sense of value
Notice to editors
Plus Value Awareness
The Plus Value awareness initiative is a family of projects, information & campaigns about challenges understanding and awareness for people with invisible difficulties, to see a more human rather than medical aspects and to promote and to educate a better sense of value. Eventually to develop this awareness initiative to provide in the future potential services, products and social mission activities as part of the umbrella identity Aware+Vision
The words hidden differences are used for describing independent people which live with specific neurological difficulties or Anxiety which is not noticed. This is associated with moderate or mild psychological and learning-related conditions. (Including a mild form of autism through, Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, ADHD & Social Anxiety).
The focused feature, presenting specialised content to support different awareness events all year round. The feature includes an Events+ showcase blog on the social media network Tumblr. It contains articles containing specific topics for supporting different awareness events.
Keith Mckenzie
With a background in Art & Design (including Graphic Design & Digital art) and a participant in the music film documentary, events & record label project King Of the Beats including filming and behind the scene preparations. Also has been involved with providing awareness projects, campaigns & information for 20 years with the Awareness brand Plus Value Awareness along with Differences Originals. Also are involved with salsa classes and events including participating with two major salsa dancing conventions at Birmingham NEC
A social enterprise proposal by Keith Mckenzie and is the new name for Plus Value Fusion.
The Aware+Vision family includes Plus Value Awareness (including Differences Originals), Focused projects by Keith McKenzie (related to Graphic Design selected photography, digital art and illustration) and KMC Feodes a new family of creative products.