A Major name change to maintain the awareness legacy after 20 years.
On the 20th Anniversary of providing awareness projects, the fundamental awareness brand has changed to a new name. Differences Originals is a new name to replace Differences & Autism Challenge.
The changes have been made because the autism challenge name has been used negatively by the social media TikTok which used the name to display horrifying & offensive video trends which discriminate against Autistic people of all ages & background.
This has caused major harm to the hard work I have done to challenge society’s attitudes. This is especially with 2020 is a double anniversary year of providing awareness projects, campaigns & activity.
So a decision has been made to distance from the insulting stigma with rebranding lead to the new name Differences Originals.
The name chosen as this awareness is the original family of awareness content since the year 2000. Also, future will original awareness content with a different angle and perspective in the Plus Value Awareness family.
The Rebranding
The Differences Originals rebranding have started to take place on the Differences pages of the Plus Value Awareness website.
The Social Media statues templates are being rebranded which contains captures of Differences Originals project and campaigns. This will appear on posted on the social media channels Plus Value Awareness (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram) and Differences (Facebook).
The Differences Facebook page receive a temporary branding profile & cover images until the remaining is approved when the new identity can be displayed.
Under development
The Project Gallery images within Differences Originals online will receive updated filter branding. This will appear within the project pages.
(On this website)
The Differences Originals will also gradually appear on this website on the home page and within the Awareness Section.
Looking Forward
Two new major projects to be created the first time since this awareness feature became part of Plus Value Awareness in 2015:
Value & Dignity
Family of campaigns, information and sharing unique insight with the importance that everyone living with hidden differences must be valued and be treated with dignity.
Elements of Value
The visual art projects focusing the visual aspects of the five principal areas of a positive sense of value.
Keep updated on this blog update and select the awareness tag and visit my awareness initiative website and on social media.
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Notice to editors
Differences Originals
The original family of awareness projects, campaigns & activities. Since 2000 Differences Originals (formally Differences Autism Challenge) has with been featured, involved or has developed projects with the following organisations: Autism West Midlands, Birmingham City University, University of Birmingham, Bridge Mentoring, National Autistic Society, Autscape, Autism Scotland, Autism Anglia, Autism West Midlands, Autism London, Autism Wessex, Strathclyde Autistic Society, Autism Cymru, and many more.
Differences Originals name was launched in May 2020 after the previous name was used negatively due to discrimination video trends on Tiktok
Plus Value Awareness
Created in 2015 with the transformation of the awareness approach with greater information and insight on projects, campaign and information. In addition to developing an awareness initiative to provide services and social Mission activity towards social enterprise in the future.
Double Anniversary Year
2020 is a double anniversary year on 5th Anniversary of Plus Value Awareness and 20th Anniversary with Differences Originals. A special online feature is created within Plus Value Awareness online to mark this special year.
Tik Tok
The social media platform which combines video & entertainment within each post. This platform is very popular for young people under 25.